7 Yin Yoga Poses for Beginners to Try at Home

Yin Yoga Poses for Beginners

A lot of yoga styles practiced across many studios across the U.S. is what’s referred to as “Yang” form of yoga- fast-pace, vigorous yoga classes such as power, vinyasa and Ashtanga. But there is another equally essential form that’s totally opposite; Yin Yoga. This post will explain everything you need to know about Yin Yoga, its several health benefits and seven simple Yin Yoga poses you can try at home.

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced yoga style in which you hold pose for a maximum of five minutes. As a beginner, you may keep the pose for two to three minutes, but more advanced yogis may stay for five minutes or even more. While “Yang” yoga concentrates on your muscles, Yin Yoga applies moderate stress to the connective tissues of your body such as fascia, ligaments and tendons- with the ultimate goal of improving flexibility and increasing blood circulation in your joints. Unlike other yoga styles, Yin Yoga pose does not utilize your muscles; instead, it uses your mind and body to relax during the long pose.

The practice of Yin Yoga incorporates ancient Taoist principles and Chinese philosophies, which states that there are pathways of energy (Qi) that run through our bodies. By deepening and stretching into poses, you are opening up any blockages and releasing energy to flow freely. Yin Yoga poses for beginners focuses more on your joints to increase flexibility and improve the range of motion.

Benefits of Yin Yoga

Benefits of Yin Yoga

* Yin Yoga Increases Flexibility

Mobile joints and elastic fascia lead to improved flexibility, which is one of the significant advantages of a routine Yin Yoga practice. Your fascia requires at least two minutes of stretching to showcase its elasticity; Yin Yoga is one the best ways of improving your flexibility and releasing tension in tight muscles courtesy to its long holds.

* Yin Yoga Improves your Blood Circulation

By targeting your ligaments and deep tissues while breathing into each pose, you draw more oxygen to your muscles and body. This helps to boost circulation and increase blood flow.

* Yin Yoga Relieves Tension

Studies have revealed that Yin has a significant impact on minimizing anxiety and stress, which lead to depression. Furthermore, it activates your nervous system, which decreases your heart rate and calms your body.

* Yin Yoga Restores Range of Motion

Yin Yoga helps your body to utilize its several systems more efficiently while stimulating self-healing. It assists the body to improve the range of motion by applying pressure on your connective tissues (mainly the knees, spine, sacrum and pelvis).

7 Yin Yoga Poses for Beginners

7 Yin Yoga Poses for Beginners

1. Butterfly Pose

Butterfly pose is one of the most relaxed folds in the Yin Yoga style. This pose can be a fabulous way to begin your Yin Yoga or prepare your body for seated mediation. It can also be a great way to start your day-it reduces any tension in your neck and strengthens your spine naturally. From a seated position, bend your legs and bring the soles of your feet together while leaning forward so that you experience the comfortable stretch.

2. Caterpillar Pose

Caterpillar pose is a straight-legged Yin Yoga forward fold. Sit a down and straighten your legs in front of you. Bend your legs and allow your head to hang. It would be best if you sat on a cushion. This pose helps to lengthen the ligaments that run around your spine.

3. Dangling Pose

Dangling Yin Yoga pose is a standing forward fold that you can easily distinguish from other yoga styles. To do this pose, stand with your feet hip-width apart, bend the knees, and fold forward grasping the opposite elbow with your hand. This crucial pose can be done by yogis of all levels, including beginners, although people with diabetes and high blood pressure may opt to avoid this pose.

4. Reclining Twist

Reclining twist pose gives your glutes and back muscles a good stretch. It helps to stimulate abdominal muscles and hydrating your spinal disks. Start by laying on your back and legs straight, bend one knee into your chest and cross it over to your body.

5. Sphinx Pose

Sphinx pose helps to make your buttocks firm and tone your spine. It also assists in stretching the shoulders and chest. It is an excellent pose for people who sit for long periods. Begin lying on your stomach. Raise your upper body by putting your forearms in the ground. Look straight ahead and bring your shoulders down and back.

6. Swan Pose

Begin with butterfly pose. Place one leg behind you and later straighten it. The top part of your foot will be resting on the ground.

7. Dragon Pose

This pose opens your hip flexors, improves strength and stimulates your stomach. Begin in a downward-facing position and with your knees bent, put your leg forward and place it between your hands. Slowly drop your left knee on the ground. Place your right foot on the floor to experience a good stretch.

Consider Expanding your Practice through a Yin Yoga Class

Now that you understand the health & physical benefits of Yin Yoga, you can consider improving your practice by joining a Yin Yoga class. Schedule an appointment online with an experienced Yin Yoga instructor in Nashville, TN, to take advantage of the benefits this style has to provide today!

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